(Apologies for English)
This thread has gone from just being about a couple of missing scenarios on Dustin's Civ2 site to being about a whole lot of missing long lost scenarios that I've come across while working on my Civilization series scenario search & rescue project and my Civ2 scenario multi site preservation project. Someone very kindly donated Dustin's collection to me rescuing most of the missing scenarios in the list below however there are still more out there missing.
If people want to help but don't want to fluff about searching through your old collections looking for these scenarios then they are also very VERY welcome to donate their entire scenario collections to me to search for these lost scenarios in and also sort out and add to my main preservation project. I have setup some publicly accessible cloud storage with several gigabytes free that anyone can just drag and drop files into (literally it's that easy) so if you have an old CD or hard drive somewhere filled with scenarios from long gone websites and would like to donate please let me know and I'll PM you the link to my cloud. You will be publicly praised and credited for helping me or should you wish to remain anonymous that's no problem either.
One of the big Civ2 super sites still missing from the preservation collection is Whistler's (Kunal Shah) SidGames and it's hosted satellite sites like Civ2 Ziggurat, Jorrit's Civ2 Site, Markus's Ultimate/Planet Civ2, and Civ2 Scifilization which all had their own scenario collections with quite a few rarities that never made it to Poly or CFC. From what I can tell none of them survived Sidgames's rather sudden disappearance and webarchive didn't backup any of the downloads. Now that we've got Apolyton (& it's satellites), CivFanatics Atomic, and Dustin Dunns DSquared Zandanian League site it means SidGames (& it's satellites) really is the last super site missing from the Civ2 preservation project. So if anyone out there has content from those SidGames sites or a way to contact Whistler I'm all ears!!
- Alpha Centauri Modpack v1.5 by Carlos Alb. Romero Díaz - AlphaC15.zip (795kb) Source1
- German Babylon 5 by unknown - baby5.zip Source1
- (Star Wars) Battle of Hoth by unknown – hoth.zip (1.55M) (not Brandon Dunaway one) Source1
- (Star Wars) Battle at the Hoth System by J.Bélanger – hoth.zip (478kb) (not Brandon Dunaway one) Source1
- Star Wars Rebellion by C. Kerdrain – rebellion.zip (1.3mb) Source1
- Star Trek 7of9 (Voyager) by St Leo – stleo_7of9.zip / stleo_7of9snd.zip Source1 Source2
- Fallout for Civilization by Par Vahadar – Source1
- Alpha Centauri by John Mavin – Centauri.zip Source1
- Battle of Endor by Markus – Endor.zip (351kb) (not josh adams one) Source1
- Star Wars by Ambra – starwars.zip (2.5mb) or st_1 and 2 zips Source1
- Moonland 3.0 by Frederic Meunié – mlv3main.zip / mlv3snd.zip Source1
- Star Trek: Mission on Vesta by Dirk Weber - trekv2_0.zip (636kb) Source1 Source2
- Command & Conquer 2 by unknown - cc2_scn.zip Source1
- SOUND FILES for The Martian Scenario by James Thomson – martia49sound.zip Source1
- SOUND FILES for Star Trek Wars Scenario by Joseph Santurri – STWSound.zip
- Master of Orion Jr 4 by Jeelen / Agent327 Source1 Source2 Source3
- Star Trek First Contact (Kob ST-BAQ Redo) by Jeelen / Agent327 – first_contact.7z (1.8mb) Source1
- Star Trek Voyager by Jeelen / Agent327 – voyager.7z (1.3mb) Source1
- Star Trek Dominion War (Kob ST-DW Redo) by Jeelen / Agent327 – warp_9.7z (1.9mb) Source1
- Star Trek TNG by Jeelen / Agent327 – tng.7z (3.1mb) Source1
- Star Wars The Dagobah System by Filip Carlsson - star.zip Source1
- Final Fantasy II/IV Modpack by Frank Johnson – ff2damod.zip (225kb) / ffsound1.zip (267kb) / ffsound2.zip (337kb) / ffsound3.zip (338kb) / ffsound4.zip (477kb) Source1
- Final Fantasy NES Civ by Jim N. / Jomb – FFciv.zip (208kb) Source1
- Starcraft: Terran War by aland007 - terran.zip (1mb) Source1
- Dune - Pour L'epice! by N.Chautru – dune.zip (246kb) (Puor L'epice! = For the spice!) Source1
- Dune - The Battle for Arrakis 1.0 by Isaac Ashdown – dune.zip (163kb) (not David Emery's Battle for Arrakis) Source1
- Sands of Dune by James Dahl – dune.zip (293kb) Source1
- Dawn / Day of the Dead by Blackclove / Peter F. Delaney – dawndead.zip (203kb) / deadsnd.zip (503kb)* Source1 Source2 Source3
- Orion (Alpha Centauri) by unknown- orion.zip Source1
- (Star Wars) TATOOINE by J. Bélanger – tatooine.zip (71kb) (not Justin Giles one or Chris & Steve's one) Source1
Original First Post:
It's a cruel world lol..
There probably isn't a hope in hell that anyone will have these but I'll try anyway...
I'm in the middle of a Civ2 lost websites search side project as part of my bigger Civ scenario hunting work to feature in a video series. I located a webarchive backup of an old Civ2 website called The Zandanian League by DSquared*(it was also described as 'Dustin Dunn's Civ2 Site' in the link to it). This long lost site hosted a number of scenarios not found in any other repository I've searched through. Some of them relate to topics of great interest to me!
I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan especially the retro SNES/Super Nintendo ones and so I've been keeping an eye out for Civilization 2 scenarios based on it. Other than a vanilla Civ2 scenario with no changed graphics or sounds I'd found nothing in all the big repositories I've searched through. Yet on this site sits a full total conversion Final Fantasy 4 (2 in US) modpack for Civ2 by a fellow named Frank Johnson. As you can see in the surviving picture the trees, grass and hills are taken directly from the original game as well as the units and even the friggin cities are built from castles and villages you'd find on the world map. But of course this modpacks main download and 4 sound downloads were not backed up by webarchive.. such a shame that something this cool is likely lost forever..
Then just as I'm reeling from that painful discovery I then visit his scenarios section to find that there is a Starcraft scenarios called Starcraft Terran War by aland007. I'm also a big Starcraft fan and have been hunting for any scenarios or modpacks related to it and was surprised to find none considering it's a late 90s game with 2.5D isometric graphics that would convert in pretty well. Now sure enough it appears someone did.. and of course the bloody download for that is not backed up either lol. Even the screenshot wasn't backed up so I don't know how good it is, however the site describes it as having "new graphics".
I don't suppose by some flukey chance that someone here has these?
I notice there are emails for these guys posted.. long shot after 20 years but I guess it's worth a shot to email them and see what happens.. but yeah.. not holding my breath!
I wonder what happened to Dustin Dunn / DSquared .. his Civ2 site was huuuuge.. is gonna take me a while to finish going through all his pages. Such a shame none of his stuff got backed up!
ah man.. there's also 3 Dune scenarios on his site that appear to be different from the Dune scenario I've found elsewhere and already know about.
Sands of Dune by James Dahl
Dune - Pour L'epice! by N.Chautru
The Battle for Arrakis 1.0 by Isaac Ashdown
They're about 3/4 down this page:
No screenshots (other than those maps) and wow.. no luck.. Dustin links to the authors homepages.. I find their backups and go to their downloads sections and while some of the other downloads work fine but the dune ones fail.. coooommmoooon... give me something universe haha
omg there's ANOTHER FF scenario called Final Fantasy Civ by Jomb on dustin's website (about 5 or so down on this page)..
total conversion again with awesome imported graphics except this time it's from the classic NES era instead of SNES.. once again no luck lol.. it links to authors page where there's NO webarchive backup of the download... this is torture lol!
Found another copy of Dune - Pour L'epice! by N.Chautru posted on a French Civ2 site I found during my ongoing Civ2 lost websites search but surprise surprise.. download failed there too lol.
Posted around lots of Civ forums and social media groups about these 5 scenarios but am not holding my breath of course. I did get a couple of leads of interest though..
Spoke with Apolyton & WPC host Solver who's always super helpful with my ongoing rescue work and he went through his archives and confirmed that these files never made their way to Poly's servers sadly.. however he then went above and beyond and managed to locate a very old archived conversation over at Poly about Frank's FF4 mod for Civ2:
In that thread a member named Elok also talks about making his own FF mod for Civ2 (great.. now there's possibly friggin 3 FF scenarios out there I can't find now lol). So I did a search for any FF posts by Elok and that lead to some other discussions where once again Franks mod was discussed and even CFC's resident guru modder techumseh also posted a link to Frank's FF mod too (ironically calling the mod ancient even back then haha).
I can see Elok is still active at Poly so I've PM'd him and crossed my fingers. As he seems like a huge FF fan like I am, so hopefully he still has a copy of his FF mod, Franks FF mod or Jomb's FF mod! Tagged techumseh as CFC too, but am not holding my breath of them still having these. If anyone here grabbed a copy of these scenarios all those years ago and it's laying around on a drive somewhere of if you know of a way to reach DSquared Dustin Dunn let me know!
My catalogging of lost Civ2 website backups continues and I managed to find a site called SciFilization which specialised in Scifi Civ2 Scenarios and was hosted at Sidgames giving it it's own download file hosting that had the Starcraft scenario and 2 of the 3 Dune scenarios! But yeah.. once again downloads not backed up by Webarchive.. so close but so far.. especially as I used to be a member of the sidgames forums back in 1999 and chatted a couple of times with it's 'infamous' owner Whistler.
I also notice both this site and Dustin's have a Dawn of the Dead scenario too that is apparently a full total conversion zombie survival scenario set in the US where you have a small by powerful force surviving against a huge hoard of zombies. No sign of its files in Poly backups, here at CFC (other than some forums posts where people talk about how great it is) or anywhere else so that's another cool one I'll have to chalk in as lost forever too.
And finally I also spoke to Elok over at Poly, he confirmed he did indeed have the Final Fantasy 4 modpack but that the computer died so his copy was lost long ago.
So yup.. I think that's it for these ones unless someone comes forward on one of the forums I've posted about them at. You win some you lose some haha!
EDIT: There's also a few more rare scenarios I've found on an old German Civilization 2 website called Civ 2 Paradise by Willi Gross:
- A German Babylon 5 scenario (so presumably different to the 2 English ones I know of)
- A English Star Wars - The Dagobah System scenario
- A English Orion - Alpha Centauri scenario
- A English Alpha scenario (no description but possibly just the regular Alpha Centuari scenario also on Apolyton).
Considering these seem to only be on a German Civ2 site there's even less chance of finding them lol. But I've created a thread over on the German Civ2 forums about these just in case and will leave it at that.
SCORE! I believe I've obtained one of the rare Alpha Centauri scenarios I mentioned above and more lost treasures! How it all went down was pretty flukey lol!
While doing the recent Civ 2 websites archive search side project (hunting for more rare scenarios of interest to me) I found this old Geocities Civ2 site by a guy named John Mavin:
His scenarios page seemed to be filled with scenarios he made that weren't anywhere else. Some of the names may look familiar but you'll probably find that the ones you're thinking of were made by other people and not this guy. What of course stood out to me was that he'd made a Alpha Centauri one as that's one of my big main scenario hunt search & rescue project categories. Like in the above situations I held my breath and clicked on the download links hoping webarchive had the files but sure enough they all failed... was devo!
However as I moved through the different years of webarchive backups of his site I found that John had later replaced his Civ2 site with a blog about some novels he was writing. It turns out the novels became successful and I discovered his blog still exists nowadays elsewhere. And because he's a successful writer he's got social media pages where he updates his fans on all his latest works! So I thought scr*w it, I've got nothing to lose by asking so I msged him on his facebook page and asked if he still has his scenarios lol.
Within a few hours he'd gotten back to me to say HE DOES! He even thanked me for messaging him as he thought no one cared about those Civ2 scenarios and would ever message him about them lol. I was like no man, thank YOU for making these and allowing me to preserve and share them with the community after all these years!
Great moments like that are why I do this crazy stuff haha! As every now and then you actually DO find the treasure lol!... Actual treasure and not trash haha!!
I have of course tested each one of them and added them to the CFC Civ2 downloads area so all collectors should grab a copy (click on titles below to go to download pages).
Alpha Centauri
I was so happy to see that the scenario I wanted the most was sure enough a total conversion scenario different to other AlphaC ones out there, and is heavily influenced by Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. Which is awesome as scenarios with influenced or ripped graphics from SMAC has totally been what I've been looking for in my super scenario hunt thread! Looks like this is probably the closest we'll get to a Civ2 scenario with totally ripped and converted SMAC graphics as I've always thought that would be cool to do (hell maybe I'll make one myself one day lol).
Even though I was mainly after the AlphaC scenario I said yes to his other stuff too as I had a feeling there would be some more rare gems and cool scenarios that even if I didn't want then others would definitely want and sure enough I wasn't disappointed. Nearly all of them are total conversion and have cool title pics too (I like it when people put effort into a good title pic). The historical ones (Roman, Viking/Saxon, & Napoleon) will no doubt be of interest to the ScenarioLeague members for possible ToT conversion with Fairline's*& other's existing enhanced graphics. He's done a nice job at taking on all areas as we've got scifi, fantasy and historical ones below!
The Holy Immortals
A rather impressive fantasy scenario. The strange dark farm/irrigation graphics technique seems to unexpectedly work quite well. I love the look of the cities, they're not Age of Empires so I'm guessing they're possibly from the Caesar and Pharaoh games.
The Chelonian Conquest
A space scenario which appears to be influenced by the Master of Orion Jr scenario but with some new graphics and new aliens.
Heptarchy - The Conquest of the Saxon Kingdoms
If you're a fan of the TV show Vikings like I am and recently saw it's final season then this one will be of even bigger interest to you as it's set around the end of the Viking age and focuses on Ecgberht of Wessex conquering the Saxon kingdoms and unifying Britain.
Napoleon - Wars of Conquest
There's a number of Napoleon scenarios out there but I've not seen John's before until now. Looks like he gave the old CiC Napoleon scenario a fresh coat of paint.
The Punic Wars
A nice Roman scenario focused on the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage. Once again we see those dark farmlands and cool city buildings.
Axis and Allies
Not much in the way of custom graphics in this one however what makes it interesting is that John has designed the scenario and map positions along with modifying the rules and settings to best match the Axis and Allies board game by Milton Bradley.
Well now I'm going to go dip into the last great frontier of scenario hunting which is 'scenarios attached to ancient forum posts' and once that's done I really will have exhausted all possible options, hopefully I can find more of the rare and missing stuff posted previously in this thread or maybe some new stuff! Once the treasure hunt is over I can finally get everything uploaded and finish my Civ2 MGE video, not to mention release all my own scenarios which have been sitting on ice through all this lol, and then move on to ToT & beyond!
Quoting myself here lol.. as with 24 hours of me posting the above and beginning my big forum history searches I've found this very thing, a total conversion SMAC scenario for Civ2.. Once again it's John Valdez / Civpartisan that had a similar dream to me.. except sadly he & his modding partner Andrew didn't finish it. Got quite far too! Will try to get their final files and have a think about whether I can quickly do something with it (eg merge it with John Mavin's scenario) in-between everything else I'm doing haha.
Thought I'd list a few more I'm having no luck finding so far... due to downloads failing, no backups, authors either long gone or no longer have a copy of their work etc.
SCORE! Over at CivFinatics a kind fellow named minipow01 saw my list and gave me 4 scenarios to match against my list! These were the results of my checks on his files...
1) I've checked out Battle of Endor and yup this is definitely the right one as Markus's name is in the events file, the file size matches, the intro text matches Dustin's description text on his site perfectly, and the screenshot matches too. Curiously the scenario comes with the readme file from Justin Giles's Tatooine scenario which is a bit misleading. I guess Mark used Justin's graphics and kept the readme as a credit. Missing a title.gif so I added a generic one for fun. Have created a download page for it and can tick this one off as found!
2) Yup this is definitely Ambra's Star Wars! This is great! His intro text didn't load though so I renamed the files to match. Have created a download page for it and can tick this one off as found!
3) Unfortunately this is a different Battle of Hoth by Brandon Dunaway that I already have and forgot to mention (I think it's already on CFC & Poly but I'll double check that) so I've added a 'not Brandon Dunaway's one' to the Hoth entry in my file list above.
4) I've checked out Dune and nope this is an entirely different one I didn't know about!!! Wowzer!!! I've found author details in the rules file, this was by David Greenfield and he titles it CivDune. There's no intro and the map is completely different to the ones on Dustin's site so yup this is definitely another one. Great news, although that of course means the original 3 above are still missing. His custom ocean replacements were incorrectly sized resulting in nasty transparency bleed errors across the whole map so I've fixed it. Missing a title.gif so I added a generic one for fun. Have created a download page for it !
Had some more victories with these very lost scenarios thanks to multiple helpers. A collector named Kunto contacted me with a huge file list from his collection that appears mostly from the Apolyton backups, I requested a few of them and some turned out to be ones I was after. Then Solver gave me access to the entire Apolyton Civ2 downloads backup (containing hundreds scenarios/mods/maps/graphics) which has these same files I was after and more! Then to top it all off Thunderfall got back to me with Jeelen/Agent327's MoOJr4 scenario and also gave me a huuuuge file list of the entire CFC downloads area where it looks like even more of Jeelen's work is there which is good as he did some cool enhanced remakes of some of Kobayashi's famous scenarios.
Firstly I was able to find the missing sound files for both The Martian Scenario by James Thomson and the Star Trek Wars Scenario by Joseph Santurri in Solver's Poly backups which was awesome! I've updated their downloads at CFC and on the mirrors.
The MoonLand Modpack v3.0 by Frederic Meunie (CiC)
I'd been after this one for a while as it appears to be one of the first lunar mods that kicked oiff things as John Valdez and others took this and did some great scenarios with it. Both Kunto and Solver had it! I added a title.gif for fun. It's a bit weird with trees and pengiuns etc so not as advanced as I'd hoped but still pretty cool and was quite a popular mod back in the day from the old convos I saw so I've preserved it.
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Star Trek: Mission on Vesta Scenario v2.0 by Dirk Weber (CiC)
Another one I found existed in my giant lost website search but couldn't find the file. Turned out it made it's way to Poly but due to a slightly obscure file name I must have missed it or mixed it up with another. On closer inspection it's not as good as I'd hoped with barely any custom units or graphics but it's still got some interesting stuff going on so have backed it up!
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Command & Conquer 2 Red Alert Scenario by ?Unknown? (CiC)
No it's not my one haha.. this is an old one out there that I'd seen mentioned on a few sites but couldn't find a working download. Both Kunto and Solver had it. On closer inspection its nothing special and has barely any custom graphics. Also while the German files hasd custom C&C unit names the english ones were still default Civ2 ones. I don't think the author spoke much English and was just going for pure compatibility with english versions instead of properly transferring all his stuff over. So I did a very quick google translate of the unit names, some events, readme, and intro text. Gave it a title.gif too. Sadly there were no author details in any of the text or Ger files, nor were they on Ultimate Civ2, Apolyton & Dave's Civ2 websites that hosted this scenario unfortunately.
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Master of Orion - MoOjr4 Scenario by J.L. Nijholt (MGE)
This was a very happy moment! I've been trying to get this one for ages and hit setback after setback. It was on WPC but the download was lost, WPC archive org backup was missing, Solver had lost his WPC downloads*backup too, CFC download not working, CFC archive org backup was missing it, atomic backup was missing it, I was able to track down Jeelen*himself and bring him back to CFC but he'd lost his copy too lol! But then Thunderfall delivered and found it in his backups! This one did NOT disappoint in testing.. it's a total overhaul of the original MOOJr scenario. Heaps of cool improvements!
CivFanatics Downloads Area
On top of that it looks like I can see some more of Jeleen's scenarios in Thunderfalls file list so I'll try to get them too although Thunderfall is a busy guy so it may take a while. But I think it's worth it as like I said above you can see from his old CFC thread* he took some of Kobayashi's amazing scifi scenarios and enhanced them. So just as I remove 6 items off the lost list (which I've moved to the top post in this thread) I'm now gonna add 4 new ones haha.. oh dear lol.. but hopefully Thunderfall will be able to find them. Especially as I'm yet to score a Star Trek Voyager scenario as St Leo's one is still missing and now I see Jeelen made one that's missing too.
We've SCORED again!
As I had hoped above, the legacy files Thunderfall kindly gave me access to contained Jeelen's missing Star Trek scenarios allowing me to rescue them as part of my scenario preservation project. These are super cool finds as some are enhanced/modified versions of Kobayashi's famous and very popular Battle for the Alpha Quadrant and Dominion War scenarios while others are 'new' ideas heavily influenced by Star Trek Birth of the Federation which is one of my favourite all time games! There were some visual glitches in them all likely due to Jeelen making these so long ago when we were all rocking CRT screens that didn't show different shades of black very well resulting in some terrain cells having almost dark grey space instead of black space so I corrected them to match the rest of the space terrain since it was an easy fix.
Star Trek: First Contact Scenario v2.1 by J.L. Nijholt (MGE)
This one is an enhanced version of Kobayashi's famous Battle for the Alpha Quadrant scenario.
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Star Trek: The Next Generation Scenario by J.L. Nijholt (MGE)
This one is a super cool scenario inspired by Star Trek Birth of the Federation. Like in the original game exploration, diplomacy, and dealing with minor races is key!
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Star Trek: Voyager Scenario by J.L. Nijholt (MGE)
This one appears similar in appearance to the above BOTF inspired one however it is more story driven with scripted events relating to Voyager encountering the Borg and the Dominion invasion of the Alpha quadrant.
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Star Trek: Warp 9 Dominion War Scenario v1.3 by J.L. Nijholt (MGE)
This one is an enhanced version of Kobayashi's famous Dominion War scenario.
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Sadly I fear this may be my final victory in this search for these super lost scenarios. I really hope not though as there's some absolutely beauties here that I'd really really really love to rescue such as the Final Fantasy, Starcraft and Dune ones.
Well I'm pleased to say I've scored again and crossed another one of this most wanted list. While finishing up going through the Metropolis collection for my scenario preservation project I was surprised to find one of the super lost scenario from this thread.. Star Wars The Dagobah System! In the end it's pretty basic and nothing special but nevertheless it nice to knock off another one from this list as I really didn't expect to find any more. However it turns out I was very wrong heh...
Star Wars The Dagobah System Scenario by Filip Carlsson (CiC)
A simple classic Star Wars scenario set in the Dagobah system (where Luke found Yoda).
CivFanatics Downloads Area
... As I just announced over in my scenario preservation thread that something truly awesome has occurred.. I've been contacted by someone who has a copy of seemly all the lost scenarios on Dustin Dunn's huge Civ2 website (that as discussed earlier in this thread specialized in rare content not on Poly or CFC) as well as this donors personal huge collection of other old scenarios. I've successfully got the files from him and collection is massive.. possibly even bigger than the Apolyton and CFC atomic ones.. literally hundreds and hundreds of scenarios and mods. But of course the jewel in this collection is Dustin's stuff that I have tried for countless hours over the last couple of years to find out there and had no luck. If you were to look at my super lost scenario list in this thread and ask me which ones in that list I wanted to find more than anything else I'd tell you the 2 Final Fantasy ones, the Starcraft one, the 3 Dune ones, and the Dawn of the Dead one. Well sure enough I've checked the files and they're ALL here!! my most wanted are all here!!! and maybe I'll even find some of the other from that super lost list in here too. I can't believe it.. I can't friggin believe it.. I didn't think this would happen.. I've have some great luck and a lot of help over the last couple of years but I didn't think I'd ever score the grand jewel which is Dustin's collection.![]()
So stay tuned as at least half the scenarios in the lost and most wanted list are about to get crossed out!
(Here's a project update from 30/05/2022 that I was unable to post last year due to an account issue the admins have kindly fixed now so I'm back!)
Gotta say it one last time lol... SCORE! haha
As posted over in my Civ2 scenario preservation project thread I've finished processing the DSquared collection and have uploaded all the scenarios that I took interest in as well as the entire collection itself for others to enjoy!
So now comes that awesome moment I never thought would happen where I get to cross off a large amount of the scenarios in this long lost scenario wishlist thread and talk about each one I found!
Final Fantasy 4 (2 US) Scenario Modpack v2.0 by Frank Johnson (FW)
Yes it's the big one, the whole reason I started this thread! Sure enough it's an awesome total conversion scenario modpack based on Final Fantasy 4 with gorgeous authentic graphics ripped from the original game with very few disappointments. And those few disappointments such as missing factions and capital city names I've corrected myself! I very much look forward to playing this and doing a nice video of it in the future.
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Final Fantasy 6 (3 US) Scenario Modpack ALPHA by Dustin Dunn (MGE) - Unfinished
This one was NOT in the missing list but I just have to post it anyway as Dustin who helped out on the FF4 mod above went on to do an even more ambitious FF6 scenario. Sadly he never finished it and it's not really playable but it's super cool work, especially if you're a retro Final Fantasy fan like me!
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Final Fantasy 1 Scenario by Jomb (FW)
Yes its another big one from early in this thread. I wanted this one so bad as well, and sure enough it did not disappoint with its really cool total conversion authentic FF1 NES graphics. Jomb had awesome attention to detail and clearly shared my love of a cool game crossover total conversion mods that make Civ2 feel like another game.
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Crystalis Scenario by Jomb (FW)
Once again this one was NOT in the missing list because I didn't know about it until I got my hands on Dustin's collection but I gotta mention it as it turns out Jomb did another classic NES era JRPG game and it looks super cool too.
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Below is another big one from early in this thread! Admittedly I'd hoped that the missing 3 Dune scenarios would be better than the existing 2 we already had but they fall short a bit. They still have some nice features and clever ideas that make them unique, and I'm super glad to finally have them all as I never thought I'd find them and they plus the other 2 will make a great video down the track...
Dune - Pour l'epice! (For the spice!) Scenario by N. Chautru (FW) - French
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Dune The Battle for Arrakis Scenario v1.0 by Isaac Ashdown (CiC)
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Sands of Dune Scenario by James Dahl (FW)
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Starcraft: Terran War Scenario v1.1 by aland007 (MGE)
Yes it's the other big one from the very first post in this thread. I finally have the Starcraft scenario!!It's pretty cool and has a number of interesting features but I was a bit disappointed in its lack of custom terrain graphics so I made a separate addon pack (2nd pic).
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Dawn of the Dead Scenario v2.0 by Blackclove (FW)
We've finally got Blackclove's missing scenario that even he didn't have anymore! Sure enough it's pretty cool and looks like quite a challenge to survive the overwhelming odds against the zombie apocalypse!
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Orion Alpha Centauri Scenario v2.0 by ?unknown? (CiC)
I didn't originally understand why an Alpha C scenario was called Orion but after finally getting my hands on this one I discovered why. Basically the races from Master of Orion are all landing on Alpha Centauri. So basically it's 2 games being merged into one haha. Sadly it lacked custom terrain files so I couldn't resist giving it some to spice it up a bit. They can be easily removed though for those that want the original experience.
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Star Wars Tatouine Scenario by J. Belanger (CiC) - French
The final missing Tatooine scenario has been found. It actually stacks up pretty well against all the other ones too.
CivFanatics Downloads Area
Sadly despite being on Dustin's website J. Belanger's other Star Wars scenario based on the battle of Hoth sadly wasn't to be found in the DSquared collection so that remains in the missing list. So here we go.. maybe for the last time as I don't expect any more miracles haha.. here's the updated missing scenario list & help info below!
Latest version of missing scenario list & info from OP:
If people want to help but don't want to fluff about searching through your old collections looking for these scenarios then they are also very VERY welcome to donate their entire scenario collections to me to search for these lost scenarios in and also sort out and add to my main preservation project. I have setup some publicly accessible cloud storage with several gigabytes free that anyone can just drag and drop files into (literally it's that easy) so if you have an old CD or hard drive somewhere filled with scenarios from long gone websites and would like to donate please let me know and I'll PM you the link to my cloud. You will be publicly praised and credited for helping me or should you wish to remain anonymous that's no problem either.
One of the big Civ2 super sites still missing from the preservation collection is Whistler's (Kunal Shah) SidGames and it's hosted satellite sites like Civ2 Ziggurat, Jorrit's Civ2 Site, Markus's Ultimate/Planet Civ2, and Civ2 Scifilization which all had their own scenario collections with quite a few rarities that never made it to Poly or CFC. From what I can tell none of them survived Sidgames's rather sudden disappearance and webarchive didn't backup any of the downloads. Now that we've got Apolyton (& it's satellites), CivFanatics Atomic, and Dustin Dunns DSquared Zandanian League site it means SidGames (& it's satellites) really is the last super site missing from the Civ2 preservation project. So if anyone out there has content from those SidGames sites or a way to contact Whistler I'm all ears!!
- Alpha Centauri Modpack v1.5 by Carlos Alb. Romero Díaz - AlphaC15.zip (795kb) Source1
- German Babylon 5 by unknown - baby5.zip Source1
- (Star Wars) Battle of Hoth by unknown – hoth.zip (1.55M) (not Brandon Dunaway one) Source1
- (Star Wars) Battle at the Hoth System by J.Bélanger – hoth.zip (478kb) (not Brandon Dunaway one) Source1
- Star Wars Rebellion by C. Kerdrain – rebellion.zip (1.3mb) Source1
- Star Trek 7of9 (Voyager) by St Leo – stleo_7of9.zip / stleo_7of9snd.zip Source1 Source2
- Fallout for Civilization by Par Vahadar – Source1