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    Realism Invictus

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ID:	9279

    Дамы и господа!

    Представляю Вашему вниманию Realism Invictus, совместимую с Beyond the Sword версию мода, ранее известного как Total Realism. Нашему моду уже более 10 лет, и все эти годы шла его постоянная доработка и улучшение.

    К скачиванию доступны полная и облегченная версии инсталлятора. Полная версия включает в себя все, что входит в состав мода. Облегченная версия, изготовленная по многочисленным просьбам пользователей, не содержит роликов для чудес, музыки и индивидуальных портретов для великих личностей. Остальной функционал полной и облегченной версий полностью совпадает. Также отдельно к скачиванию доступно руководство к моду (пока только на английском языке, окончательную русскую версию сделаю доступной чуть позже). Язык мода - английский и немецкий, русификации командой мода не предвидится. Версия 3.55 является последней "крупной" версией, дальнейшая разработка мода идет вялотекущим образом, вероятность радикальных изменений на данный момент исчезающе мала. Версия 3.57 не содержит радикальных изменений и новых механик, только багфиксы и некоторое количество контента.

    Изменения в 3.57:
    Скрытый текст
    Balance changes: buildings
    · Got rid of 1-2% commerce bonuses with Weaver, Tailor, Jeweller and Trading Post, as they were mostly meaningless
    · Tailor gets +10% flat gold
    · Buffed Cinemas from 5% culture and war weariness to 10%

    Balance changes: civ-specific
    · Aztecs have access to a new promotion line, giving strength and bonus vs barbarians. Aztec NUs and Coyote priests have instant access, for all other non-ranged units unique Aztec school provides it
    · Incan Chasquis is less formidable as a military unit, but now has an additional use: Chasquis can "build" mit'a, providing Incan cities with more workforce and food. A rare NU with an economic bonus...
    · Ethiopian civ can now move their Forbidden Palace, reflecting the fact that Ethiopia had a mobile capital for a significant period of their history
    · Greece no longer has a unique watermill; now has a new unique improvement - Olive Grove - providing lots of commerce and some food from hills
    · Malinese UB no longer gives a flat gold bonus, but rather grants a larger bonus to precious mines and, to reflect the second cash commodity of Mali Empire, gives a large commerce bonus to Salt Pits and additional health with salt
    · Rebalanced the NU stats of Armenia (Royal Guard bonuses higher, but base strength -1; heavy cavalry bonuses higher)
    · New Bantu NU: Maasai Warrior, replacing the very generic bowman, for all your cattle raiding needs

    Balance changes: other
    · Significantly buffed water wheels; now a valid early production option for flatland cities (later on farms are still a better option I reckon, but these production buildings need to get rolling first)
    · AI should now prefer rushing production with slaves rather than building improvements
    · Got rid of all strength 4 militias; they still have hefty bonuses that set them apart from the rest, but now all militias are str 3

    Bug fixes
    · Fixed a couple of division by zero errors that caused CTDs
    · Fixed a long-standing CTD bug related to naval combat (actual fix by DarkLunaPhantom)
    · Chinese Canal NI no longer destroys flood plains (though visually they are still removed while the canal is there)
    · Foragers for hunter-gatherer civs in scenarios no longer have combat strength (used to cause all kinds of AI weirdness)
    · Austronesian shortswordsman can now correctly upgrade to swordsman, same as other civs
    · Fixed Israeli archer line so that they properly have a composite bowman
    · Taiwan no longer able to build South Chinese NI

    Cosmetic and technical changes
    · Implemented a city alert for being over separatism threshold
    · When revolutions are off, separatism bonuses/maluses are not shown in the civic screen
    · The default scoreboard format should now be "Leader/Civilization", which should be handy for dynamic civ names
    · Malinese empire renamed to Sahelian, to reflect the actual unit roster and leader lineup
    · Lots of unit art updates, especially in Africa, the Americas, and for WW1-WW2 era units
    · Hunter-gatherer civs got lots of new unit buttons, no longer using generic ones
    · New default cannon unit, to better reflect the fact that it doesn't represent Napoleonic-era artillery
    · XIX-century field artillery wheels now round
    · Switched stormtroopers to a different animation
    · Flavour workboats for most cultures in Medieval-Renaissance era
    · Religious communities no longer use monastery models, now have unique artwork of their own
    · New Iron Age European cityset
    · New Iberian/Latin American Renaissance cityset
    · New artwork for lots of leaders
    · Yield symbols now have an outline for better readability
    · Retouched some terrain graphics
    · Austronesia gets their own unit voices in a proper language (Old Malay, from AoE2)
    · Lots of fixes to unit models, textures and animations


    Полная 3.57 версия (англ.)
    Облегченная 3.57 версия (англ.)
    Руководство (англ.)
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    Последний раз редактировалось Walter Hawkwood; 06.12.2021 в 12:41.

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