Now, (3 monthes already) we try to start Intersite demogame
to play with German site. However, things going hard.
Anybody want to participate? Or, may be somebody can be "independent" referee?
Regards, I. Larkin
Now, all passionate about
civ5, so that players civ3
One unit.
Мир накроет пустая зола, ржавчина съест благородный металл...
Отдел по борьбе с наркотиками арестовал ежика по подозрению в том, что он колется...
Sanches, General, the private forum is here at Just go to your user control panel ("My Account" in the header above),
and then go to Group Subscriptions on the left-hand down corner to join Civ3 DG - Succession Team. Your request will be sent to Lanzelot and if you're a known member, you'll be approved. All spies will be taken out back and shot.
EDIT: For members of the Succession Team, when you apply it will go the Civ3 DG - Knights Brotherhood the request will go to Lanzelot and he will take care of it.
Увы, в сетях цивилизации мы одиноки, как карась в канализации.
(И. Губерман)