(Apologies for English)
While I usually post about other peoples cool Civ mods and indie projects etc that interest me I figured I'd start with a thread about the stuff I'm working on these days...
Back in the 90s I used to muck around with Doom 2 and Civilization 2 modding but never finished any of my projects. Well in recent years I've been getting back into it (call it can early midlife crisis lol) and released a GZDoom enhanced version of my old Star Trek Doom level and also a new Quest for Glory IV - 3D Hexen mod too. Much to my surprise both got a lot of media attention with the QFG4-3D one in particular getting coverage on Rock Paper Shotgun and in PC Gamer Magazine which was awesome. The great response inspired me to also get back into my old Civilization 2 editing as well (also 20 years too late lol).
So over the last year or so I've been playing a lot of classic Civilization series and related games (eg Civ1,2,3, Colonization, Master of Magic, Alpha Centauri, Call To Power etc) and I returned to working on my 20 year old Star Wars Civ 2 scenario and also started a bunch of new projects with some other talented Civ2 modders.
Figured I may as well post about my projects in a thread here for passers by to either enjoy or ignore the nostalgia lol. I'll start with my Civilization 2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 scenario I'm working with someone else as this really helped me get back into Civ2 modding as the guy helping me taught me a lot of new tricks! My Star Wars, C&C, Red Alert and Master of Magic scenarios will come later!
This project is a total conversion Heroes of Might & Magic 2 scenario for the Multiplayer Gold Edition (MGE) of Sid Meier's Civilization II created by myself and MetroPolis. It was Inspired by Tom2050's amazing HoMM3 mod for Civ3 the goal is to create the most HoMM2 like experience within the limitations of the old Civ2 engine.
In the first dev diary we look at importing HoMM2 castle/city graphics into Civ2.
HoMM2 Dev Diary 01 - Creating Cities For The Civilization 2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In this second dev diary we look at ‘HoMMafying’ all those Civ 2 advisor, city and event screens.
HoMM2 Dev Diary 02 - Creating Nice Backgrounds For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In the third dev diary we look at changing Civ2’s leader portraits used for diplomacy with HoMM2 heroes and make a bold attempt at replacing Civ2’s original wonder videos.
HoMM2 Dev Diary 03 - Creating Custom Leaders & Wonder Vids For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
To finish catching up here's the next 3 Civilization 2 - Heroes of Might & Magic 2 mod dev diaries made over the last few months...
In the fourth dev diary we look at changing Civ2’s throne room with a HoMM2 castle jigsaw while completely replacing the title screen plus intro, diplomacy herald and wonder videos with cool HoMM2 content.
HoMM2 Dev Diary 04 – New Throne Room, Intro, Dip & Wonder Videos For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In the fifth dev diary we look at adding new HoMM2 themed victory and death sequences plus custom city screen backgrounds.
HoMM2 Dev Diary 05 – Creating Victory/Death & City Backgrounds For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In the sixth dev diary we answer fan demands to show units while also showing off all city buildings and some small touch-ups to the city sky view.
HoMM2 Dev Diary 06 – Heroes, Units & City Buildings In The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
After months working on the huge Heroes of Might & Magic 2 Civ2 scenario I decided to turn my attention over to one of my other favourite franchises for some more fun Civ2 scenarios, the Command & Conquer and Red Alert universe! I started coming up with some pretty crazy ideas for huge Red Alert 2 Siege of New York scenario where you’ll be battling it out in city streets between huge sky scrapers however despite learning a lot from working on the HoMM2 scenario I wasn’t quite game enough to start that just yet. I’d also been thinking about a dark and moody scenario set in the C&C Tiberium universe and noticed that a fellow named Wonx2150 had already made a scenario in that universe but just hadn’t really done any proper graphics for it so I decided to take the easier route and remaster his scenario first to build up more experience before taking on the big Red Alert 2 scenario.
I created a ModDB page for the C&C project and have made a few dev diaries covering stages of development similar to the HoMM2 mod ones. Stay tuned for dev diaries for the Red Alert 2 scenario here in the future too!
In this first dev diary I look at changing Civ2’s terrain and cities to look like C&C2 as well as importing some cool new units.
C&C Dev Diary 01 - New terrain & units for the Civilization 2 - Command & Conquer Scenario
In the second dev diary I ask for some fan input and finish off importing all the new C&C unit graphics.
C&C Dev Diary 02 – Finishing all terrain & units for the Civilization 2 – Command & Conquer Scenario:
I guess it's time to finally show my Red Alert project I've been mentioning! All the skills I've learned making the Heroes of Might & Magic and Command & Conquer scenarios above is now being put into the hardest scenario I have ever attempted! A Red Alert 2 Siege of New York scenario where you'll be battling it out in city streets between huge sky scrapers.. and yes I know I'm crazy as that's totally something the Civ2 engine wasn't built for hahaha!
No new HoMM2 scenario dev diaries atm but there will be one soon as I'm about to do final testing.
Here are the first 3 dev diaries on the Red Alert 2 Siege of New York scenario. Disclaimer - Hopefully the final product will be waaaaay better than all these WIP test shots but I gotta start somewhere haha.
In this first dev diary we look at experimenting with Civ2's terrain limits & using some sneaky tricks to begin creating a Red Alert 2 style city map with Liberty island, bridges and buildings.
RA2 Dev Diary 01 - Liberty Island, Bridges & Buildings in the Civilization 2 - Red Alert 2 Scenario
In the second dev diary we look at adding bigger buildings, Command centers with walls, and lots of other nice decoration trying to push Civ2's terrain limits.
RA2 Dev Diary 02 - Bigger Buildings & More Decoration in the Civilization 2 - Red Alert 2 Scenario
In the third dev diary we look at adding special fun buildings like the McBurger Kong and Petrol Station, while overhauling all previously made small buildings to much better quality.
RA2 Dev Diary 03 - McBurger Kong & Better Quality Buildings in the Civilization 2 - Red Alert 2 Scenario
Here's another 2 new dev diaries from my Civilization 2 Red alert 2 scenario.
In this fourth dev diary we hit our stride and finish off all building types - big ones, little ones, and the biiiig difficult 3x3 super skyscrapers!
RA2 Dev Diary 04 - Final Super Buildings in the Civilization 2 - Red Alert 2 Scenario
In the fifth dev diary we finally finished all city buildings and base buildings allowing us to finalise the design of the map.
RA2 Dev Diary 05 – Finishing Bases & the Map for the Civilization 2 – Red Alert 2 Scenario
(Here's the next batch of project updates I was unable to post last year due to an account issue the admins have kindly fixed now so I'm back!)
Well after so long since the last project update I guess it's time to post some new ones! Yes I'm finally back working on my mod projects again.
RA2 Dev Diary 06 – Units & Other Final Graphics for the Civilization 2 – Red Alert 2 Scenario
In this sixth dev diary for the Civ2 Red Alert 2 scenario we’re in the home stretch as the title loading screen plus all units, technologies, & base improvements are completed.
HoMM2 Dev Diary 07 - New Diplomacy, Dragon Launch & Animating High Council For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In this seventh dev diary for the Civ2 HoMM2 mod we take on the 3 final frontiers of Civ2 editing and change the diplomacy screen background, spaceship construction sequence, and grand council video advisors with cool HoMM2 content. In the case of the council I had to create animating versions of HoMM2 hero portraits!
Finally got some more dev diaries done. Not long now till the release of the Civ2 HoMM2 mod below and then the others after it!
HoMM2 Dev Diary 08 - Custom Font Colours & Better Backgrounds For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In this eighth dev diary we add custom font colours into Civ2 and completely overhaul all the ugly old GUI backgrounds.
HoMM2 Dev Diary 09 - New Azure Dragon, Neutral City & H1 Addon For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In this ninth dev diary we replace Matt's dragon with a mighty HoMM3 Azure dragon, add a 7th neutral faction city, and do some preliminary work on a future HoMM1 addon.