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  Civ III: PTW


, . , .flc ( c RAD Video Tools), .ini . ..\CIV3PTW\Art\Units\< >\ ( ini ). 

. ( Civ3XEdit.exe). Scenario Custom rules. Rules "Edit rules", . Units :

Add , Super Tank, , . Civilopedia Entry: : PRTO__ ( : PRTO_Super_Tank, ), PRTO_ , , . 

(Class), .. , (Land), (Air) (Sea). 

( ), ..\CIV3PTW\Art\Units\units_32.pcx, ( ) . 

Prerequisite ( Smart Weapons).

, Upgrade to: Super Tank

Unit Statistics:
Shield Cost - , 1 10 .
Pop. Cost - .
Moves - .
Trans. Capasity - .
Operational Range - ( , ).
Attack Str. - .
Defense Str. - .
HP Bonus - .
Bombard Str. - .
Bombard Range - .
Rate of Fire - . , .. .
Req. Support - , .
Zone of Control - , .
Bombard Effects - .

Required Resources Super Tanka. 

Unit Abilities . . 

Availiable to .

Standart Orders , ( , ) .

Special Actions - :
Load - .
Unload - .
Airlift - .
Pilage - .
Bombard - .
Airdrop - . 
Build Army - .
Finish Improvements - .
Upgrade Unit - .
Capture - .

Worker/Engineer Actions - , .

Air Missions - , , , ..

AI Strategies ( , , ). , .. .
Offense -
Defense -
Artillery -
Cruise Missile -
Tactical Nuke -
Flag Unit - ,
Explore -  
Terraform - , ..
Settle -  
Army -  
Leader -  
King -  

Naval Power -
Naval Transport -  
Naval Carrier -  
Naval Missile Transport -

Air Bombard -  
Air Defense -  
Air Transport -

, , Rules , - , mymod. .

! Civilopedia.txt PediaIcons.txt. ..\CIV3PTW\Text\.

Civilopedia.txt ( , , Units ) #PRTO_Super_Tank ( ). ^. 
^{Building a Settler}: A city that builds a [settler] loses two citizens from its population.
^{Founding Cities}: Settlers are used primarily to found new cities. Move the settler to the desired city site, and, when the settler is active in that square, press B.
^{Joining a City}: A settler may also be used to increase the population of an existing city; when the settler is active on a city, click the "Join City" button. The settler disappears and the city's 
population gains two citizens.

, {}, , [] - .

(description), #DESC_PRTO_Super_Tank.
^When cities grew to a size where the resources were insufficient to adequately insure a decent standard of living for the populace, adventurous groups of citizens set out on their own in search of a place to build a new city. Once a suitable site was found, the settlers would build their new homes, and develop the land surrounding the city. Eventually the whole process repeated, and the new city would send out settlers of its own. This process allowed civilizations to grow throughout history, from the empires of the ancient world to the discovery and settlement of the New World.

, PediaIcons.txt.

#start units :

xxxxxxxxxxx (large) (small) ( ). small large . . 
, :


# Unit animations :

.ini .

! ! 

, Load Scenario ( mymod) . . - . .






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